Current Capcom Player List

Here is the list of the current pro players in the Capcom division. All titles of Capcom games will be found here.

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Street Fighter V

Current Street Fighter V-Champion

Mini bio about player. Links to players personal page.

Street Fighter V

Current Street Fighter V-#1

Mini bio about player. Links to players personal page.

Street Fighter V

Current Street Fighter V-#2

Mini bio about player. Links to players personal page.

Welcome to your top 10

The Current Rankings

Champion - Ryu 
#1                - Ken 
#2                - M. Bison 
#3                - Seth 
#4                - Alex 
#5                - Sagat 
#6                - Kolin 
#7                - Dhalism 
#8                - Chun-Li
#9                - Balrog 
#10              - G

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